User List Maintenance Window

Static User Lists



Toolbar -

  • New newbuttonoff.png - Click to clear the User List Maintenance window and set up a new list.

  • Save savebuttonoff.png and Save As saveasbuttonoff.png - Click the respective buttons to save the active list or create a new list from the active list. The Save button will be disabled in certain cases, such as for advanced users who are viewing properties of global lists. They cannot save changes to global lists, but can use the Save As button to create a new list from that currently displayed list.

  • Delete deletebuttonoff.png - Click to delete the list. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

  • Exit exitbuttonoff.png - Click to exit this window and return to the User List window.

  • Help helpbuttonoff.png - Click to open help that is specific to working with user lists.


Basic General Properties - Use this section of the window to specify the name and description for the list. Description is optional. Other properties are for controlling whether the list will be global or personal and whether or not the list will be a security user list.

  • Type - Controls whether the user list will be global or personal. Type defaults to Personal and is disabled for advanced users. Administrators can set the Type to Global or Personal.

  • Security User List - Administrators can designate any list as a security list by selecting the Security User List checkbox. The list will be available to administrators for filtering purposes when they set up roles in addition to being available for filtering views.


Static User List General Properties -

  • Mode - Select the Static option to set up a static user list. After making selections for the other properties below, you can then click the Members button and choose the members for the list.

  • Server and Database - The Server and Database drop-down lists will default to the server and database associated with your user profile's role. If you are a security administrator and there are multiple databases registered with Stratum.Viewer, you will need to select which server and database to use for the list. Once you save a new user list, these drop-down lists will be disabled. You can still edit other properties such as the name, description, members, etc.

  • Dimension, Hierarchy, Level - Use these three drop-down lists to determine the level on which to base the list. If you want to set up a list on a level from a time hierarchy, select Time from the Dimension drop-down list. Once you save a new user list, these drop-down lists will be disabled. You can still edit other properties such as the name, description, members, etc.


Attributes - This section provides background information about the list. Below the section is a Members button for use in selecting or viewing the members for the static list.

  • Member Count - The number of members included in the user list. The count will be updated after you select members for a new list or edit members for an existing list.

  • Date and Owner Properties - These properties provide historical information about the list.

  • Created Date - The date and time when the list was created. The property will be populated after you save a new list.

  • Owner – The user who owns the list. This defaults to the user who is creating the list. After a list has been created and saved, the Owner can be changed to another user if needed by administrators. The Browse button browse_btn.gif next to the property is used to access to the Select User window, which allows administrators to select the user who will be the list owner.

  • Last Updated Date - The date and time when the list was last edited. Initially, this property will be the same as the Created Date. If the list is edited in the future, the property will be updated to reflect that date and time.

  • Last Used Date and Last Used By - The date and time when the list was last used for filtering in the application and the name of who last used it. There may be times when the Last Used By is blank even though a Last Used Date displays -- this can occur when a user who previously used the view for filtering has since had their user profile disabled or removed.

  • Source – The text “Viewer” will display for lists set up in Stratum.Viewer. The text "Stratum" will display for lists that were imported from Stratum.Planner via Stratum.Connector for Viewer.

  • Members - Click to access the Select or Advanced Select Members window. The window opens for the level that you selected from the Level drop-down list. You can choose members for a new static list from the window or use the window to edit members for an existing list.

Dynamic User Lists



Toolbar -

  • New newbuttonoff.png - Click to clear the User List Maintenance window and set up a new list.

  • Save savebuttonoff.png and Save As saveasbuttonoff.png - Click the respective buttons to save the active list or create a new list from the active list. When you click save, the expression for the dynamic user list will be executed, and the list will be populated with members that meet its expression criteria. The Save button will be disabled in certain cases, such as for advanced users who are viewing properties of global lists. They cannot save changes to global lists, but can use the Save As button to create a new list from that currently displayed list.   

  • Process processrunbuttonoff.png - This button will be enabled after you do an initial save of a new list. Then you can use the button for the following purposes.

  • Fine tune the expression as you edit the list. If you edit the expression and want to see which members meet the expression criteria, click Process. Then click the Members button to see a list of those members. If needed, adjust the expression further until the members returned fit your analysis needs.

  • Update the list on-the-fly with the current members that meet the expression criteria. You will need to do that on a regular basis if the Batch Process checkbox is disabled for the list. When the checkbox is enabled, the list definition will be processed and updated as part of the Stratum.Connector for Viewer Analysis Services database process. See item 3 below.

  • Delete deletebuttonoff.png - Click to delete the list. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

  • Exit exitbuttonoff.png - Click to exit this window and return to the User List window.

  • Help helpbuttonoff.png - Click to open help that is specific to working with user lists.


Basic General Properties - Use this section of the window to specify the name and description for the list. Description is optional. Other properties are for controlling whether the list will be global or personal and whether or not the list will be a security user list.

  • Type - Controls whether the user list will be global or personal. Type defaults to Personal and is disabled for advanced users. Administrators can set the Type to Global or Personal.

  • Security User List - Administrators can designate any list as a security list by selecting the Security User List checkbox. The list will be available to administrators for filtering purposes when they set up roles in addition to being available for filtering views.


Dynamic User List General Properties -

  • Mode - Select the Dynamic option to set up a dynamic user list. After making that selection, the window is refreshed with properties unique to that type of list including the Run button, Expression field, and Batch Process checkbox.

  • Server and Database - The Server and Database drop-down lists will default to the server and database associated with your user profile's role. If you are a security administrator and there are multiple databases registered with Stratum.Viewer, you will need to select which server and database to use for the list. Once you save a new user list, these drop-down lists will be disabled. You can still edit other properties such as the name, description, members, etc.

  • Dimension, Hierarchy, Level - Use these three drop-down lists to determine the level on which to base the list. If you want to set up a list on a level from a time hierarchy, select Time from the Dimension drop-down list. Once you save a new user list, these drop-down lists will be disabled. You can still edit other properties such as the name, description, members, etc.

  • Expression and Browse browse_btn.gif - Click the button to access to the Expression window and set up the expression for determining the list members. See also Example Dynamic User List Expressions. After you set up the expression, it will display in the read-only Expression field.  

  • Batch Process - Select this checkbox if you want the list definition to be updated during each process of the Stratum.Connector for Viewer Analysis Services database. The list expression will be evaluated during the process and populated with the latest members fitting the expression criteria. All lists with a batch designation will be evaluated and updated in this manner. You can still click the Process button at anytime to execute the filter expression and update the list on-the-fly. If you de-select Batch Process, this list will not be updated as part of the Stratum.Connector for Viewer update process.


Attributes - This section provides background information about the list. Below that section is a Members button for use in viewing the members for the dynamic user list.

  • Member Count - The number of members included in the user list. The count will be updated as soon as you save the new list or anytime you click the Process button after that initial save. Also, if you enabled the Batch Process option, the count will be updated after each process of the Stratum.Connector for Viewer Analysis services database.

  • Date and Owner Properties - These properties provide historical information about the list.

  • Created Date - The date and time when the list was created. The property will be populated after you save a new list.

  • Owner – The user who owns the list. This defaults to the user who is creating the list. After a list has been created and saved, the Owner can be changed to another user if needed by administrators. The Browse button browse_btn.gif next to the property is used to access to the Select User window, which allows administrators to select the user who will be the list owner.

  • Last Updated Date - The date and time when the list was last edited. Initially, this property will be the same as the Created Date. If the list is edited in the future, the property will be updated to reflect that date and time.

  • Last Used Date and Last Used By - The date and time when the list was last used for filtering in the application and the name of who last used it. There may be times when the Last Used By is blank even though a Last Used Date displays -- this can occur when a user who previously used the view for filtering has since had their user profile disabled or removed.

  • Source – The text “Viewer” will display for lists set up in Stratum.Viewer. The text "Stratum" will display for lists that were imported from Stratum.Planner via Stratum.Connector for Viewer.

  • Members - Click to access the Member List Window. The window displays the current members in the dynamic user list.