Member List Window

This window is available when working with dynamic user lists. It displays the members in a list.  

Note: You will see only members in the list that your role gives you the authority to use in Stratum.Viewer. The window will be blank if you are not authorized to use any of the members.



Display Columns - Sort and drag or drop columns to rearrange the window information.


Paging Controls - Use the paging arrows and links to move between pages of members. Controls are active only when there are multiple pages of members for the user list.

Note: For all windows that display lists (views, user lists, etc), there is a single administrative setting on the Application window that controls how many items display per page in a list.


Options - Use to adjust display columns in the Member List window. See Display Options window for information.

Note: Columns that display by default are determined by administrator settings in the Select Members Options window.

OK - Clicking OK applies the changes for the current session only in the Member List and User List Maintenance windows. Once you exit the windows, display options return to their defaults.