Grid Toolbar

Toolbar Icons -

  • Save This View and Add New View (Save As) - Click the respective buttons to save the active view or create a new view from the active view. The Save button will be disabled in certain cases, such as for users who are running global views and have a casual or advanced level of access for the application. Those users cannot save changes to global views, but they can use the Save As button to save changed views as shared views or their own personal views.  

  • Process Your Planning Changes  - This icon only displays in the toolbar if the Planning property for the view is set to Yes. After making planning changes in a view, click this icon to update the Analysis Services and Stratum storage databases for your environment with those planning changes.

  • Export to Excel - Click to initiate an export of the view and chart to Microsoft Excel. If you choose to export the data as Excel Data instead of an Excel Report, the view data will be exported but charts and special formatting will not be exported. An Export Type property controls the Data versus Report option, and you can control that from Display Options or a Properties window in the view.

  • Print This Page - Click to print the active page of the view.

  • Email This Page - Click to access the window for emailing views.

  • Add Charts - Click to access a wizard for creating charts for the active view.

  • Edit Display Options  - Click to open the Display Options window. Use it to control properties for the view grid. You can control items such as whether or not row and column headers are locked, the page size of the view, and the display of totals and all others values. Save the view if you want your display changes to be retained for the next time the view is run. From here, you also can display how data is exported during Exports to Excel (either Excel Data or Excel Report).

  • Show / Hide Navigation Panel - Use to open or close the Navigation Panel for a view. Use the panel to see the drilldown path for a view (what’s available to drill to on rows or columns), change the drilldown path, and add or delete levels from the view.

  • Show / Hide View Explorer - Click to show or hide view explorer. This button does not display if you have a casual level of access for the application.

  • Select Parameter Values - Click to access the View Prompt window for parameters. This button only displays if parameters exist for the view.

  • Manage All Filters - Click to access the window for adding, clearing, or changing filters. This filter icon will be red when there are active filters in the view.

  • Pick What To Do With Your Data  - Click to access the window for adding, changing and deleting measure items. The Measure Items window opens where you work with all measure items in the view. And you can add new measure items from scratch or by copying to create the new measure item.

  • Help  - Click to access help that is specific to working in views.

Show All – Click to display all rows and all columns of the view. This option is only available when paging is enabled in a view and all rows or columns of the view do not fit on a single page. For example, if a view is set up to display 40 rows and 10 columns at a time then the Show All option would display if there is more than one page for the view. The Show All option will be displayed or hidden based on the current state of a view as it refreshes after filtering, drilling, or other changes made by a user.

Paging Controls - Use the rows and columns paging arrows to move between pages of multi-page views. Controls are active only when there are multiple pages on rows and columns respectively.