Navigation Panel

Active and Available Levels – The Rows and Columns section show all levels in the view.

  • Active levels currently showing in the view display in blue. An underlined format means you can click the level to drill up or down, controlling what type of detail shows in the view. Hover text will tell you where the drill will take you.

  • Levels that are available in the view to drill to but not actively showing in the view display in grey text. Levels with a Visible status set to No will not show up in the Navigation Panel.

  • Filtered levels have the word “Filtered” after them.

If an axis is filtered, a filter icon will show to the left of the section title.

Add Levels – Click the Add Levels icon  for rows or columns to add levels to either section.

Delete Levels – Click the Delete Level icon  next to any level to delete that level from the view.

Drag and Drop Levels – You can move levels around in the view, changing whether they show on rows, columns, or the View Filter and changing what order levels display in on rows or columns. Click or tap the provided icon  next to the level and then move the level to where you want it to show in the view.

Scroll To See More Info – Scrolling arrows are provided when there isn’t enough space available in the browser to show all the levels that exist in a part of the Navigation Panel. You can scroll back or ahead to the rest of the information displayed in the panel.