Add a View Group

1.   Click View Group in the Admin Utilities view group.

2.   Click New in the View Group list window.

3.  Set up properties in the View Group Maintenance window.

a. Adding an image to the group is optional.

b. The group will display collapsed by default unless you select View Group Expanded on the General tab.

4.   Save the group.

5.  To make the group visible in the left panel, you must enable it for the user profile group(s) of the intended users:

a.  Click User Profile Group in the Admin Utilities view group.

b.  Use the User Profile Group list window to select the desired user profile group, click Edit , then select the view group that you just set up (using the User Profile Group Maintenance window), and save the user profile group.  

c.  Repeat Step b for additional user profile groups that need access to the view group.