Role Maintenance Window

General Section and Attributes Tab

Toolbar -

  • Save and Save As - Click the respective buttons to save the active role or create a new role from the active role. If you click Save As, a Save As window opens to assign the new role a name. Clicking Save in the Save As window creates a new role with the same Attribute and Measure definitions as the original role. You will need to select user profile groups or user profiles for the new role because by default the new role will not have users associated with it.

  • Delete - Click to delete the role. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. If the role is attached to a user profile or user profile group, and you proceed with the deletion, then users of that user profile or group will no longer be able to log into the application. You will need to assign them to another role if you want them to remain active users of the application. See Edit a User Profile or Edit a User Profile Group.

  • Exit - Click to exit this window and return to the Role window.

  • Help - Click to open help that is specific to working with roles.

General - Use this section to set up or change basic role properties.

  • Name - Assign the role a name or change the name.

  • Server and Database - Dimensions and measures from the selected database will populate the Attributes and Measures tabs. The Server and Database drop-down lists will default to the server and database registered in Stratum.Viewer.

Attributes Tab - Use this tab to control which dimension members that users with this role will be able to access. If you want users to have access to all members for all dimensions, leave all Access drop-down lists set to All.

  • Dimensions and Key Attribute Values - All* dimension key attribute values display alphabetically sorted by dimension | key attribute value. The Access setting for each dimension determines which members users can access from levels that belong to a dimension and its hierarchy.

*Note: The Time dimension is not included.

  • Access - Use the drop-down list next to a dimension for any dimensions to which you want to limit member access. Any dimension left set to All will be one to which role users will have full access to members.

  • Partial Member List - Use to give access to certain members only, as determined by a member list that you set up. The Select or Advanced Select Members window displays. Search for and select members then click OK.

  • Partial User List - Use to give access to certain members only, as determined by a security user list that was set up prior to working with the role. The Select User List Filter window displays. Use the search or filter  tools as aids in finding a list. Optionally click Show Details  after selecting a list to see more information about it before applying it as a filter. Click OK to apply the selected list as a filter.

  • None - Use to prevent access to all members of this dimension.

If while working with a role, you need to edit member list or user list selections, click the Browse button . The button is enabled once you make an initial member list or user list selection.

Measures Tab

Measures - Use the Measures tab to determine the measures to which users with this role will have read and update authority. For measures you don't want users of the role to access, de-select the Read checkboxes next to the measure. The corresponding Update checkboxes will be de-selected automatically.

  • Expand / Collapse Controls - Use the arrows next to the Measures heading to expand or collapse the list of all Categories. Use the same arrows next to a Category to expand or collapse a list of all its measures.

  • Select / Deselect All Toggles - All measures for all Categories can be selected or de-selected at once using the Read and Update toggle checkboxes next to the Measures heading. All measures within a single Category can be selected or de-selected at once using the Read and Update toggle checkboxes next to the Category name (Actual Sales, Budget, Daily Sales, Forecast etc.).

Read – Select the Read checkbox for measures that users of this role will need to see in views.

  • You can give Read access to all measures for all Categories using the Read checkbox near the Measures heading.

  • You can give Read access to all measures within a single Category using the Read checkbox next to the Category name (Actual Sales, Budget, Daily Sales, Forecast etc.).

Update – Select the Update checkbox for measures that users of this role will need to perform planning updates on in views. See the Planning section of online help for additional Planning setup steps.

  • You can give Update authority to all measures for all Update Enabled* measures using the Update checkbox near the Measures heading.

  • You can give Update authority to all measures within a single Update Enabled* Category using the Update checkbox next to the Category name.

Update authority can only be given to measures that are Read access enabled. When an Update checkbox is selected, the application automatically selects the corresponding Read checkbox. Update checkboxes will be disabled if any dimensions related to the measures have their attributes access set to None on the Attributes tab.

*Note: Update checkboxes only display for a Category and its measures if the Updated Enabled setting has been selected for the Category (measure group) in Stratum.Connector.

User Profiles Tab

User Profile Groups and User Profiles - Use this tab to attach the role to a user profile or user profile group or to change the user profile or group.

  • If you attach a user profile group to the role, all user profiles in the group will have that same role.

  • Only those user profile groups that do not have a role assigned are available for selection. Also, only the user profiles that do not have a role assigned are available to be selected.

  • If no user profiles or user profile groups are available for selection, you can save a role without a user profile or group. You can attach a user profile or group at a later time via the Role Maintenance, User Profile, or User Profile Group window. You will be warned that the role definition will not be complete until a user profile or group is selected. You can save the role in that state, but it will not be actively used in Stratum.Viewer.

See also Relationship between User Profiles, User Profile Groups, and Roles.