Recommendations for View Filters

Here are some behaviors and recommendations to consider when setting up view filters in your views.

Multiple Levels in View Filters

Levels in a View Filter need a level filter defined for them to have a filtering impact on a view. This is true whether there is a single level or multiple levels in the View Filter section. The following view has two levels in the View Filter. Region is filtered by a member list.

Product Family is filtered by a user list.

The view results change if you remove the filter from either level. The following example shows the view after the member list filter was removed from Region. The view changed to show data for all Regions. The measure item values have increased, and the number of rows returned has increased from 67 to 72.

Calculated Measure Items and View Filters

View Filters affect regular, calculated, and distinct calculated measure items. There is a special case in which a View Filter will not affect calculated and distinct calculated measure items. That case is when a level is used in both the View Filter and the expression for the calculated or distinct calculated measure item. In that case, the View Filter will not impact the calculated or distinct calculated measure item for that level.

The next view has a calculated measure item with an expression that uses the Region Unit level. The expression is ([Region].[Region].[Region].[331],[Measures].[Data2 (Budget Units Working)]).

Then the Region level, filtered by member 330, is set up as a View Filter. The View Filter is ignored for the calculated measure item -- notice the measure item values have not changed for the calculated measure item.