Apply a View Filter

Option 1

The level will not act as a filter on the entire view until the level is positioned in the View Filter section. If the level that you filtered is not yet positioned in the View Filter section of the view, drag and drop it to that section from the grid or view explorer. If the level(s) is already positioned in the View Filter section of the view, follow these steps.

1.   Click the name of the level.

2.  The Select Members window for defining the filter will display. Select the members in the Select or Advanced Select Members window, then click OK.

      If you need to apply a different type of filter, click the More button and choose Change Filter Type. Then choose the filter method (User List, Named Set, Expression) from the Select Filter Method window. Use the applicable filter window that displays to set up the filter, and then click OK.

3.   Repeat the prior steps for any other levels in the View Filter.

Option 2

Another option for setting up a View Filter follows.

1.   Click the Change Filters icon  in the grid toolbar to access the Filters window. From the Filters window, click the Change Filter icon  next to the name of the level that will act as the View Filter.

2.  The Select Members window for defining the filter will display. Select the members in the Select or Advanced Select Members window, then click OK.

      If you need to apply a different type of filter, click the More button and choose Change Filter Type. Then choose the filter method (User List, Named Set, Expression) from the Select Filter Method window. Use the applicable filter window that displays to set up the filter, and then click OK.

3.   Repeat the prior steps for any other levels that will act as the View Filter.

4.   Click OK in the Filters window when you are done setting up filters on all applicable levels.

5.   Levels will be moved to the View Filter section for you automatically after you close the Filters window in cases where the level that you added a filter to was not yet drilled to in the view. Otherwise, you will need to manually drag and drop the level(s) to the View Filter section for the view filter to take effect.