Change Existing Filters

Axis Filters

1.  Click the filter icon next to the axis icon, either for rows or for columns.

2.   Use the Expression window to edit the filter expression.

Level Filters

1.   Click the filter icon next to the level.


1.   Click the Change Filters icon  in the grid toolbar to access the Filters window. From the Filters window, click the Change Filter icon  next to the level name.

2.   The appropriate window for editing the filter will display depending on the filter type (member, named set, expression, user list).

Measure Item Filters

1.   Click the filter icon next to the measure item.

2.   Use the Measure Item Filter window to edit the filter.

Relationship or Empty Filters

1.   Double-click the Rows or Columns folder in view explorer. The Rows or Columns Properties window displays.

2.   Adjust the Yes and No settings for the filter that you need to edit.

Note: In order for the Empty Filter property to be Yes, the Relationship Filter property must be Yes.

Total Filters

1.   Click the filter icon  next to the caption of the measure item in the Grand Total row or column.

2.   Use the Measure Item Filter window to edit the filter.