Filters Window

Each level that is available (not hidden) in a view will display in the Filters window. The level name will be followed by details about any filtering applied to the level. 

  • Member Filter – Members in the filter will be listed after the level name. The RepBroker level in the previous image has a member filter applied to it.

  • User List Filter – The text “Filtered with User List:” will display followed by the name of the user list. The Product level in the previous image has a user list filtered applied to it.

  • Named Set Filter – The text “Filtered with Named Set:” will display followed by the name of the named set.

  • Expression Filter – The text “Filtered with Expression:” will display followed by the expression. The Weeks level in the previous image has an expression filter applied to it.

  • No filter exists – This text will display next to levels that do not have a filter applied to them. This text also displays for cases where a level is filtered but not yet drilled to in the view at the time the Filters window was accessed.

If a level’s filter information has a series of dots “…” at the end of it, click the dots to activate a cursor. This enables you to scroll right and see the rest of the filter details for the level. In this example, the dots for the RepBroker details were clicked.

A cursor displayed, and at this point I could scroll right if I wanted to see names of the rest of the members in the RepBroker member filter.

Each level has icons available for adding or changing or for clearing filters for the respective level.

  • Change Filter   Click this icon to add or change a filter. When you are setting up a new filter, the Select Members window will display. If you want to set up a different type of filter than a member filter, click the Filter Type button and select the filter type from the Select Filter Method window that displays. If you click the icon to change a filter, the window for the type of filter applied to the level will display. For example, if the level has a user list filter applied to it, the Select User List Filter window will display.

  • Clear Filter   Click this icon to remove a filter for a level.

OK – Click OK to apply all the changes that you made to level filters.

Cancel – Click Cancel to close the window without applying your changes.