Static vs. Dynamic Charts

Dynamic Charting

A dynamic chart is linked to the view data to determine the series and data points. This means that the chart’s series and data points will change as the view’s rows and columns change. Because the chart is dependent on the grid contents, the entire grid will be included in the chart. Dynamic charts should be used when the rows or columns of the chart will change. For example, you want to see the top 5 customers. Those customers will probably change, so dynamic charting should be used.

If the series are dynamic, they will always adjust to all the values displayed in the grid. If the data points are defined as dynamic, there is limited formatting for them because they are always changing in the chart.

Note: There is a maximum of 400 rows and 400 columns when charting dynamically.

Note: Indicators or images associated with a measure item will not be charted. Only values will be included in a chart.

Static Charting

Use static charts when you want the chart to include specific rows or columns from the view. For example, you select Product A, B, and C and Actual Sales and Forecasted Sales. The chart will always chart for those specific products and the specific sales and forecast information.

Here are a few other characteristics of static charts: