Format Series

1.   Access the Format Chart Series window by right-clicking a series in the chart legend or within the chart and selecting Format then Series from the pop-up menu.

Note: Formatting options for chart series are only available if series are defined as static. Dynamic series cannot be formatted.

2.   In the Format Chart Series window, click the General folder and edit the series’ color, chart type, and the plotting of the series (Primary or Secondary axis).

3.   Click the Border folder and adjust the border of the series. Determine the style, color, and width of the border.

4.   If the data points are also static, click the Data Points folder to edit or delete the static data points. See Format Data Points.

5.   Click the Legend folder to maintain what displays in the legend for the selected series. Within this window, you determine whether the legend is visible and also an additional caption to label the series.

6.   Click the Line folder. If the chart type is a Line, Spline, or Step Line, you can control the style and width of the lines within the chart.

7.   Click the Markers folder and define the color, size, style, and interval frequency of the chart markers which are used to highlight data points within a series.

8.   Click OK.

Note: Changes can be made on all the various folders (General, Border, Data Points, Legend, Line, Markers) and the save will apply to all changes.