1. Click Manage Things then Role from the main menu in the top panel of Stratum.
2. Click New in
the Role list window.
3. Use the General section of the Role Maintenance window to:
Specify a name.
Select the server for the database to be associated with the role.
Select the database to be associated with the role.
4. Use the Attributes tab to determine which dimension members that users with this role will be able to access. Use one of the following options in the drop-down list next to a dimension for any dimensions to which you want to limit access. Any dimension left set to All will be one to which role users will have full access.
Partial Member List - Use to give access to certain members only, as determined by a member list that you set up. The Select or Advanced Select Members window displays. Search for and select members then click OK.
User List - Use to give access to certain members only, as
determined by a security
user list that was set up prior
to working with the role. The Select
User List Filter window displays. Use
the search or filter tools as aids
in finding a list. Optionally click Show Details
after selecting
a list to see more information about it before applying it as a filter.
Click OK to apply the selected list as a filter.
None - Use to prevent access to all members of this dimension.
Note: If while
working with a role, you need to edit member list or user list selections,
click the Browse button .
The button is enabled once you make an initial member list or user list
5. Use the Measures tab to determine the measures to which users with this role will have read access and update authority.
All measures for all Categories can be selected or de-selected at once using the Read and Update toggle checkboxes next to the Measures heading.
All measures within a single Category can be selected or de-selected at once using the Read and Update toggle checkboxes next to the Category name.
You can give Read access to a measure or Category without giving Update authority. But, you cannot give Update authority without Read access. When an Update checkbox is selected, the application automatically selects the corresponding Read checkbox.
Update checkboxes will be disabled if any dimensions related to the measures have their attributes access set to None on the Attributes tab.
Note: Selecting the Update checkbox for a measure is one of the steps required for users of Stratum.Viewer Planning to be able to edit data in planning views. See the Planning section of online help for additional Planning setup steps.
6. Use the User Profiles tab to attach the role to a user profile or user profile group.
If you select a user profile group for the role, all user profiles in the group will have that same role.
Only those user profile groups that do not have a role assigned or those where the user profiles don’t have individual roles assigned are available for selection. Also, only the user profiles that do not have a role assigned are available to be selected.
If no user profiles or user profile groups are available for selection, you can save the role as is and attach a user profile or group at a later time via the Role Maintenance, User Profile Maintenance, or User Profile Group Maintenance window. You will be warned that the role definition will not be complete until a user profile or group is selected. You can save the role in that state, but it will not be actively used in Stratum.Viewer.
See also Relationship between User Profiles, User Profile Groups, and Roles.
7. Save
the role.