View List Window

Toolbar -

  • New   - Click to open a blank View Definition window and set up a new view.

  • Edit   - Select a view, then click Edit to open the view for editing in the View Definition window. If multiple views are selected when you click Edit, the first selected view will open for editing.

  • Run   - Select a view, then click Run to run the view. Another option is to double-click a view. If multiple views are selected when you click Run, the first selected view will run.

  • Move the selected view(s) to a different view group(s)  – Select the view(s) you want to move and then click this Move icon. The Move View window opens and you can select one or more view groups as the new location for the selected views.

  • Delete   - Select one or more views, then click Delete to delete them. You can use Ctrl+Click and Shift+Click when selecting more than one view. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

  • Help  - Click to open help that is specific to working with views.

Display Columns - Sort and drag or drop columns to rearrange the window information. Available display columns include the view Name, Type, View Group, Owner, and Actions (number of actions to which the view is attached). Additional display columns that can be seen by scrolling right are the Last Used, Last Used By, Last Updated, Last Updated By, Created, and View Id columns.

Selecting Views - You can select one or more views at a time. Double-click a single view to run it. Or select a single view and then click Edit or Run based on the action that you want to take. If you have multiple views selected when you click Edit or Run, only the first selected view will open. When deleting, you can select one or more views at a time and then click Delete.

View Group = Multiple - For views that are in more than one view group, the View Group column will display "Multiple".

Paging Controls - Use the paging arrows and links to move between pages of views. Controls are active only when there are multiple pages of views.

Note:For all windows that display lists (views, user lists, etc), there is a single administrative setting on the Application window that controls how many items display per page in a list.

Current List – This list filters the window to show either all views, only views that belong to active view groups, or only views that belong to inactive view groups. See the remainder of this topic for other search and filter features that narrow down which views show on the view list window.

Additional Search and Filter Features

Optionally use the search and/or filter features (section marked ‘5’ in following image) to look for particular views. By default, there is no filtering applied and all views of all owners will display.

Search – Enter all or part of the name of the view(s) you are searching for and then press Enter or click the Search  button to execute the search.

Filter – Click the provided button  to use the filter feature. It acts as a toggle to show or hide the filter section.  Use the Global, Shared, or Personal checkboxes to the left of a user’s name to indicate whose views you want to see (users with selected checkboxes will be included in filter results). The checkboxes next to the Global, Shared, and Personal headings are toggles that select or deselect all of those respective view types at one time. At the bottom of the filter section (you may need to scroll down), there is a count of users. There are paging arrows to move between pages of users. Arrows are active only when more users exist than can be displayed in a single page of this section.

Note: The filter toggle will be red  if a filter has been applied.