View Definition Window

Toolbar and View Name -

  • Toolbar - A limited set of buttons is available, allowing you to perform a save or save as, add or maintain filters, hide or show the navigation panel, control measure items from a central Measure Items window (copy, add, delete, edit, move), hide or display view explorer, and access help specific to working with views.

  • View Name - For new views, the name New View displays by default. For existing views, the name of that view displays. The name can be right-clicked to access a pop-up menu with a limited selection of actions such as Properties for new views and such as opening Properties for new views or Deleting and accessing Properties for existing views.

Navigation Panel – The Navigation Panel will be blank until you add levels to your new view and apply changes. You can add levels using this section or view explorer. Once a view has levels in it, use this section to see the drilldown path for a view (what’s available to drill to on rows or columns), change the drilldown path, and add or delete levels from the view.

Blank Grid Area - The content of this area varies:

  • New Views - Will be blank until you make an edit in view explorer or a properties window. Then this window displays. Click OK after you are done using view explorer and properties windows in order to run the view.

  • Existing Views - The Run View button displays initially. Click it to run the view if you decide not to make any edits or make edits that don't impact the grid contents (such as editing the view type or view group). Once you make an edit that impacts the grid, the above Apply Changes? prompt displays. Click OK after you are done using view explorer and properties windows in order to run the view.

View Explorer - Anytime you open the View Definition window, view explorer opens automatically with the folder for the view name selected by default. For new views, the rest of the folders will not have any objects in them until you add them. For existing views, existing objects will display in their respective folders.

Properties Window  - Anytime you open the View Definition window, the properties window for the view name opens by default.