Why Did a Level That I Filtered Get Moved to the View Filter Section of My View?

When you add a new filter to your view, the Filters window in Stratum.Viewer automatically moves that level to the View Filter section. An example follows.

*Note: If the level in question is the second level of a time hierarchy, the level is treated differently than what is described in this topic. See Treatment of Time-related Levels by the Filters Window.

In this view, the Product level currently displays and you can see other levels that are available to drill to in view explorer including RepBroker.

The Manage All Filters icon is clicked, and the Filters window shows all levels available (not hidden) for the view. The Change Filter icon is clicked for the RepBroker level.

Three of the RepBrokers are selected, and OK is clicked in the Select Members window.

The Filters window displays the filter selections.

Clicking OK in that window refreshes the view. Notice that RepBroker has been moved to the View Filter section. The view is filtered by the three RepBrokers that were selected for the level.