Treatment of Time-Related Levels in the Filter Window

Time hierarchies in Stratum.Viewer can be multiple-level hierarchies or single level hierarchies. An example of a multiple-level hierarchy is Year Months with its Year and Months levels. An example of a single level hierarchy is the Months hierarchy with its Months level.

The following example shows how the Filters window treats second levels of multiple-level hierarchies in cases when the second level is not yet drilled to in a view and you filter the level from the window. Stratum.Viewer will drill to that level and apply your filter once you have exited the Filters window.

This view has the Year Weeks hierarchy on columns. The Year level is visible. The Weeks level is also defined to be available in the view (Visible property is set to Yes), but that level hasn’t been drilled to yet.

The Manage All Filters icon is clicked to open the Filters window. All levels that are defined as visible display in the window; there are 5 of those levels including Year and Weeks.

The filter icon for Weeks is clicked, and a few weeks are selected as filters on the level from the Select Members window.

After clicking OK in the Select Members window and then OK in the Filters window, the view is refreshed. Notice that the view is now drilled to the Weeks level that you just filtered and the level reflects your filter.