Introduction to View URL's

View URL’s can be copied from a View URL window that’s accessible from the left panel. You can copy the URL of any view in the left panel, and that URL can be used to build dashboards or shared with other users by email or in shared documents where you have pasted the URL.

Here’s an example of the View URL window.

Here is the URL for the view, which was copied from the View URL window.


The URL includes the view Id, and syntax that tells the URL to run the view with the left panel hidden and these parts of the view displayed: the View Filter section, any image associated with the view if applicable, the view name, and the view toolbar (all icons in it including those to scroll between pages of rows and columns). Also, the syntax tells the URL to use the “User Options” settings of the person running the URL to determine if the navigation panel and view explorer will display. For information about the syntax of a view URL and options for customizing it, see the topic Edit a View URL.