Edit a View URL

The default syntax of a URL copied from the View URL window can optionally be modified to control what parts of Viewer show when someone uses the URL. Here is an example URL, which by default runs the specified view with the left panel hidden and with these parts of the view displayed: the View Filter section, any image associated with the view if applicable, the view name, and the view toolbar (all icons in it including those to scroll between pages of rows and columns). Also by default, the URL uses the “User Options” settings of the person running the URL to determine if the navigation panel and view explorer will display.


Changing the ‘false’ value to ‘true’ for any of the ‘IsHide’ items above will hide the applicable item when someone uses the URL to run a view. For example, changing IsHideToolbarIcon from ‘false’ to ‘true’ causes the toolbar for a view to be hidden when the URL opens the view. See the table below for a description of all parameters of a URL that can be modified..

See also Passing Parameters into Views via URL's.

Syntax to Show or Hide Parts of the View Interface


Format & Values

Top frame and left panel

To hide them, use ViewWindow.aspx in the view URL

To show them, use Default.aspx in the view URL

Grid toolbar

Two pieces of syntax are used in combination with each other to control whether all, some, or none of the toolbar shows above a view. They are IsHideToolbar and IsHideToolbarIcon. Examples follow.

To hide all parts of the toolbar, use the syntax &IsHideToolbar=true&IsHideToolbarIcon=true in your URL.

To show all parts of the toolbar, leave the syntax at its default of &IsHideToolbar=false&IsHideToolbarIcon=false in your URL or exclude that syntax from the URL all together.

To show just the paging icons and hide all other icons in the toolbar, use the syntax &IsHideToolbar=false&IsHideToolbarIcon=true in your URL.

View name above grid

To hide it, use IsHideViewName=True

To display it, either exclude this syntax from the URL all together or use IsHideViewName=False

Logo displayed above a view’s grid, to right of the view name

To hide it, use IsHideViewImage=True

To display it, either exclude this syntax from the URL all together or use IsHideViewImage=False

Note: A logo that applies to all views can be defined in the Views section of the Application window by administrators. The logo is an image meant to show up above a view grid, to the right of a view’s name. Setting the IsHideViewImage to False won’t have any impact on views run from a URL unless a logo has also been defined in the Application window.

View Filter section

To hide it, use IsHideViewFilter=True

To display it, either exclude this syntax from the URL all together or use IsHideViewFilter=False

View explorer

To let the display of view explorer be controlled by the “User Options” of the person running the URL, leave IsHideExplorer blank or exclude it from the URL. It’s blank by default in URL’s copied from the View URL window that’s accessed from the left panel.


Set the item to True or False if you want the URL to control the display of view explorer. The URL will ignore the view explorer “User Options” setting of the person running the URL.

To hide it, use IsHideExplorer=True

To display it, use IsHideExplorer=False

Navigation Panel

To let the display of the navigation panel be controlled by the “User Options” of the person running the URL, leave IsHideNavigationPanel blank or exclude it from the URL. It’s blank by default in URL’s copied from the View URL window that’s accessed from the left panel.


Set the item to True or False if you want the URL to control the display of the navigation panel. The URL will ignore the navigation panel “User Options” setting of the person running the URL.

To hide it, use IsHideNavigationPanel=True

To display it, use IsHideNavigationPanel=False