Left Panel

The left panel is organized into groups, including an Admin Utilities group and view groups. Contents of the Admin Utilities group vary depending on your level of access. Clicking an item in the group opens the respective administrative page.

The order of groups varies by user depending on settings for their user profile group.

Contents of the Admin Utilities group vary depending on your level of access to the application.

  • Casual = No Admin Utilities group displays for casual users. They can control additional aspects of the application such as User Options from drop-down menus in the top panel.

  • Advanced = Action, Conditional Format, User Link, and User List.

  • View Administrator = Action, Application, Broadcast Group, Broadcast Schedule, Conditional Format, Select Members, User Link, User List, User Profile Group, View, and View Group.

  • Security Administrator = Action, Application, Broadcast Group, Broadcast Schedule, Conditional Format, Role, Select Members, User Link, User List, User Profile, User Profile Group, View, and View Group.

View groups contain the views and user links that you can use in the application.

  • Click a group to expand or collapse its contents.

  • Click a view or link to run it. Icons next to the view or link indicate whether they are global or personal (or shared in the case of views):

    • = personal view, = global view, and = shared view

    • = personal link and = global link

  • Right-click a view group, view, or user link to select a type of action to take from their pop-up menu. Contents of the menu vary depending on your level of access.

    • The New View option on a view group pop-up menu opens a page for building a view and assigns the view to that group by default.

    • Pop-up menus for views may include Run, New, Edit, Delete, and Web Part options. Pop-up menus for links are similar, excluding the Web Part option.