Define Pop-up Labels for Measure Items

You can define pop-up labels for individual measure items using the Pop-up Label Expression property. You can include static text, variables, or a combination. When you specify a pop-up label, it takes precedence over other properties that would normally impact what displays in pop-up label text. If a pop-up label is defined, then it will display as the pop-up label text. If no pop-up label is defined but a hyperlink exists on the measure item, then the hyperlink displays in the pop-up label. If no pop-up label or hyperlink is defined but there is a drilldown view defined for the Measure Items axis, then the pop-up label will be the text ‘Drill To” followed by the name of the drilldown view.

The basic steps for defining a pop-up label and a few examples follow.

1.   Right-click the measure item in the view or view explorer and select Properties.

2.   In the Properties window, select Yes for the Pop-up Label Expression property.

3.   In the Pop-up Label Expression window, set up an expression to define the pop-up label and then click OK.

Example – Static Text & View Information

This expression uses static text in combination with information from the view. The pop-up label will vary as you click on each Map It! measure item value based on corresponding Customer Sold-To member information.

"Click here to go to MapQuest for " + [Customer Sold-To].[Customer Sold-To].CurrentMember.Properties("SldTo Long Description")



Example – Measure Item Value Variable

This expression uses only the Measure Item Value variable.




Example – Static Text & Measure Item Variables

This expression uses static text in combination with the two Measure Item variables.

"The value of " + #MeasureItem("Caption") + " is " + #MeasureItem("Value")



Example – Static Text & Conditional Format Variables

This expression uses two of the Conditional Format variables separated by static text (a dash mark). The pop-up label is for a measure item that has a conditional format defined for it.

#ConditionalFormat("Name") + " - " + #ConditionalFormat("Description")




Example - Conditional Pop-up Label

This expression uses the IIf function to define a conditional expression. The label will display one of two statements depending on the conditions in the view grid. If Gross Margin Amount is less than $5,000, the first statement will display. If the margin is greater than $5,000, then the second statement will display.

IIf([Measures].[Data23 (Gross Margin Amount Jan 2014 to Sep 2014)] < 5000, "Product's margin is below the desired level. Place product on the monthly review list." , "Margin is within acceptable range. No action is needed.")




Example – Format Variable & Showing Values Behind a Calculation

This expression displays the value of a sales amount measure item followed by a division sign and the value of a sales units measure item. The VBA Format function is used to control the display format of the values in the pop-up label. The pop-up label is meant to show the values behind a calculated measure item’s results.

Format([Measures].[Data1 (Actual Sales Sales Amount Wk 38 2014 to Wk 38 2014)], "$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)") + " / " + Format([Measures].[Data2 (Actual Sales Sales Units Wk 38 2014 to Wk 38 2014)], "#,###,##0")

