You control the format of a chart’s static data points. The state of the following windows depends on the folder selected in the left side of the window. Edits must be made to each data point individually. Changes can be made on all the various folders and all edits will apply to the selected data point.
Note: If the series are static, then formatting will be applied only to the data point in the selected series. If series are dynamic, then the data point formatting is applied to all series for the selected data point.
The data point’s characteristics being maintained depend on the folder selected. |
Color -
The Browse button Note: When no color is specified the Charting wizard will assign a color to the data point. |
Auto Caption - This controls the label that appears in the axis for the selected data point. If set to Yes, the axis label for the static data point comes from the caption displayed in the view grid. Custom Caption - If Auto Caption is No, then a custom caption can be entered in this field. The custom caption will label the data point within its axis. |
Visible - You control whether or not a label is visible for the selected data point. If set to Yes, the specified label will be displayed next to the data point within the chart. |
Auto Caption - Valid selections for a data point label are Value, Text, and No. If it is set to value, then the data point’s value from the grid will display using the specified Format String. If set to No, you can enter a custom caption in the Custom Caption field. If set to Text, the data point’s caption from the grid displays as the label. |
Format String - Use this field to select a format for the data to be displayed if Auto Caption is set to “Value.” Choose how you want to format the chart’s data label by selecting one from the drop down list. Available format strings are dependent on your implementation, but some examples may be “As Is” “#.00” or “#.00%.” |
Custom Caption - If Auto Caption is No, then a custom caption can be entered in this field. |
Visible - You control the legend entry for the selected data point by choosing Yes or No. Auto Caption - If set to Yes, the legend label for the data point comes from the view grid. Custom Caption - If Auto Caption is No, then a custom caption can be entered in this field. The custom caption defined for the data point will display in the legend. |