1. Access the Format Chart Axis window by right-clicking anywhere in the chart area and choosing Format, then Axis, and then Primary Horizontal or Primary Vertical from the pop-up menu.
Note: If the chart is Dual Axis, then there is an additional option for Secondary Axis.
2. Click the General folder and format the general properties such as axis arrows, the frequency of the grid lines displayed, whether additional outside margins are displayed, and if there is a minimum or maximum limit.
3. Click the Labels folder and adjust the visibility of the axis label, the style and format, as well as font and scaling.
4. Click the Grid Lines folder and adjust the axis grid lines. Determine the style, color, and width of the grid lines.
5. Click the Strip Lines folder and select an existing strip line to highlight some information included in the chart, create a new strip line, or edit or delete an existing one.
6. Click the Title folder and adjust the axis title and positioning. Determine the font style, color, and size.
7. Click OK.
Note: Changes can be made on all the various folders (General, Labels, Grid Lines, Strip Lines, and Title) and the save will apply to all changes.