Default Values for Captions

The content of captions assigned to new measure items in your views are controlled by application settings. You can customize captions after adding measure items to views or leave captions set to the application default.

The state of the expressions for default captions upon first use of Stratum.Viewer is shown below. There is a unique caption expression defined for each type of measure item -- regular measure items with time ranges, regular measure items (those without time ranges), and calculated measure items. Security administrators can make adjustments to these defaults to match the preferences of your company. To do so, they click the Browse button browse_btn.gif next to the expression and make changes in the Caption Expression window.


Below are examples of how the above default caption expressions translate into captions in a view.

Regular with Time Range

Here are the measures and time ranges specified for two new, regular measure items with time.


Next are the measure items in the view. The captions consist of six elements:



Here are measures for two new, regular measure items. The view the measure items are being added to has a Time Range property of No, which means there are no time ranges for the measure items.


Next are the measure items in the view, where the captions are the names of the underlying measures -- represented by the [Measure] text in the caption expression shown earlier in this topic.



Here is a calculated measure item being set up for the same view as the prior one. You can see the existing regular measure items in the Expression window, designated by their names Data1 and Data2 followed by the respective captions. Measure item names are in the format of DataN by default. The caption for the calculated measure item will be the name Data3 because our default caption expression for that type of measure item is [Name] and 3 is the next number available to assign to a name. You can see this measure items caption in the title of the Expression window.


Here is the measure item in the view. You can see the default caption of Data3 in the view, view explorer, and the Properties window. You could give the measure item a more specific name by clicking the Browse button browse_btn.gif in the Properties window and making changes in the Caption Expression window.
