Your role and action parameters can create cases where the view results from an action differ from the original view. For example:
The person who set up the action may have a role that permits full access to all data in the view. The person who the action was processed for may have a role that limits them to only certain members in the view. That user will not see all the data that exists in the original view.
A view exists with a drop-down parameter on a Sales Director level that has a default value associated with the parameter – Sales Director 881. The person who sets up the action selects a difference value when choosing a value for the action’s drop-down parameter – Sales Director 231. The action results will run filtered by that 231 value while the original view runs filtered by the 881 value. See also Using Parameters to Control Action Results.
Differences also may exist between the view results seen when clicking a view hyperlink included in an action email compared to the results seen when opening the file share for a File Share action, opening the Excel attachment for an Email action, or looking at the view included as text in the email of an Email action. The view results from an action output will be different from the view results from running the view from an included hyperlink if the following conditions occur after you have processed the action:
The associated view was modified.
The action parameter values for the action definition were modified.
The underlying Stratum.Server data source was updated.
The user’s role was modified.