Action parameters are a means of controlling what values display for view results generated by an action. Action parameters are available when the view you are working with has parameters defined for it. All the parameter groups and parameters defined for a view can be used to select a specific member(s), user list, or expression for filtering the action results. The Action Parameters window will display the same items as the View Prompt window excluding the Presentation Type section.
The values you choose for view parameters and the values you choose for an action will function independently from one another. Changing the value for a view parameter, for example, will not change the values you selected for an already-saved action parameter. However, if you remove a parameter group or individual parameter from a view, then the item will be removed from the Action Parameters window as well.
Note: Action parameter functionality is disabled when the view you are working with doesn’t have parameters.
Here are the steps for defining action parameters, followed by an example. Skip the first step if you already have the View Distribution window open for an action.
1. In the left panel, right-click the name of the view for the action and select Actions then Edit.
1. If the view is open, right-click anywhere and select Actions then Edit.
2. Click
the Action Parameters button to open the Action
Parameters window.
3. Choose a value(s) using the provided drop-down list or filter icon.
There will be a drop-down list for Drop Down parameters. Select a member.
There will be a filter icon for other parameter types:
Select Members - icon opens the Select or Advanced Select Members window. Search for and select one or more members then click OK.
List - icon opens the Select User List Filter window. Use
the search or filter
tools as aids
in finding a list. Optionally click Show Details
after selecting
a list to see more information about it before applying it as a filter.
Click OK to apply the selected list as a filter.
Expression - icon opens the Expression window. Set up an expression and click OK.
4. The selected value(s) will display in the parameter field.
5. Click OK in the Action Parameters window.
The user runs a Sales by ShipTo Market view, which has parameters defined for the Product Family and ShipTo Market levels. The user left the View Prompt window in its default state and ran the view. This will result in the view being filtered by Product Family members 60 through 68.
In the resulting view, the user right-clicks and selects Actions then Insert to set up a new action.
The user sets up properties for an Email action that
will include a link to the view and will include action results as text
in the action email. Then the user clicks the Action Parameters button
The user accesses the Select Members window to choose Product Families 70 and 71.
Back in the Action Parameters window, the user chooses ShipTo Market Seattle.
The user saves the action with those action parameters and then processes the action. The results in the action email are filtered by the selected action parameters.
When the recipient clicks the link in the email, the resulting view also is filtered by the action parameter values.