Action Parameters Window

The parameter groups and parameters defined for a view will be available in the Action Parameters window for any actions defined for the view.



Parameter Groups - You can distinguish each parameter group that exists for an action by the bold name above each group. In this example, there is a group named "Product Family Group" for the Product Family level in the view, and a group named "ShipTo Market Group" for the ShipTo Market level. Each group has its own set of parameters and one parameter per group can be used to filter its respective level.  


Individual Parameters - Parameters in each group have their own radio buttons. Select one to activate that parameter and then specify a value for it (see 3 below). If you ran the view and selected values for parameters just before setting up an action, those values will display when you first open the Action Parameters window. You can leave the values as is or customize them based on the values you want to be applied to the action results. Once you save the action with the selected action parameter values, those values will stay as is unless you re-access this window to change them.


Specifying Parameter Values - Select a parameter's radio button then use the control provided to specify values:

  • Drop Down parameters have a drop-down list. A single member can be selected.

  • Member List, User List, and Expression parameters have a filter icon next to them. Click the icon and use the window that opens to specify the member(s), user list, or expression for the parameter value. You will use the Select or Advanced Select Members window for Member List parameters, Select User List Filter window for User List parameters, and Expression window for Expression parameters. Clicking OK in the filtering window returns the specified member(s), user list, named set, or expression to the parameter's field in the Action Parameters window.


OK and Cancel -

  • OK - If you specify parameters and click OK, the window closes and the specified parameter values will be saved as part of the action definition.

  • Cancel - If you click Cancel, the window closes and the View Distribution window displays.