Access to Views

You can see and run views from tabs in the Stratum View Pane. You also can search for views using the search field at the top of Stratum.Viewer. Views you mark as Favorites show in the Favorites tab. Views recently ran will show in the Recents tab. The All tab is where you’ll find all of the global and shared views your user profile gives you access to as well as all of your own personal views. You won’t be able to see or run the personal views of other users.

Click to run a view from the Stratum View Pane or right click to see an option to run it in a new browser tab.

The lists below summarize what users can do with different types of views, which is also impacted by their level of access in Viewer (casual, advanced, view administrator, or security administrator).

Casual and Advanced Users

Casual and advanced users can do the following:


Administrators can do all the things noted in the prior list, in addition to being able to: