Conditions that must be met for a user to perform planning updates in a view are described in the following lists.
When setting up Planning features for users, administrators must decide what data (measures) their users will be allowed to adjust. Based on those user needs, administrators then do the following:
In Stratum.Connector, make the applicable Measure Groups for those
measures Update Enabled.
In Stratum.Viewer’s Measure Maintenance, select the Planning Allowed
property for the applicable measures that users will be updating.
In Stratum.Viewer’s Role Maintenance, make sure that applicable
measures in roles of users with a casual, advanced, or view administrator
access have their Update checkboxes selected.*
*Notes: Security administrators can plan on any measure item as long as its Category has an Update Enabled status in Stratum.Connector and the underlying measure has its Planning Allowed property selected in Measure Maintenance.
View setup criteria related to planning are listed below. These requirements are applicable no matter what type of data users will be updating in the view – existing values, zero values, or blank values.
View's Planning property
= Yes.
Time Range property = No for measure items axis
Drilldown View property = None for measure items axis
Properties for regular measure items being planned on:
Type = Regular
Show Value = Yes
Show Image, Conditional Format, Pop-up Expression, and Hyperlink properties all = No
Visible = Yes
The following view setup requirements are specific to planning on zero or blank values. If you are only doing Planning on existing values, you can disregard this information.
All dimensions associated with the measures’ Category must be visible
in the view. If they are not, you will not be able to make changes to
cells that have zero or blank.
time hierarchies are used in the grid, they can be used on one axis only
or in the view filter (Cannot be used on both rows and columns. Cannot
be used in both the view filter and on an axis).
The following view setup requirements are specific to planning on values in subtotal or total cells. If you are only doing Planning on detail cells, you can disregard this information.
Planning is not permitted on subtotal or total cells with
zero or blank values.
Planning is permitted on subtotal and total cells with existing
values as long as these conditions are met:
The values are on the axis opposite from measure items (values on the same axis as measure items cannot be updated).
Others Summary property = No for measure items axis.
All members for the axis opposite from measure items must be visible in the grid. You can make all members visible by disabling the Use Paging setting in a view’s Display Options or clicking Show All in the view toolbar. Views that fit on a single page whether or not paging is in use also meet this condition.
If your view utilizes View Filter functionality, also keep in mind that the level in it must be filtered by a single member only rather than a user list or expression.
If your view utilizes a hierarchy that was created from an attribute relationship, also keep in mind that all hierarchies from that same dimension must exist on the same axis or in the View Filter (filtered by a single member).