Some modifications that are made to views or the browser window can impact pending planning updates that have not yet been processed. Depending on the type of modification, a warning message will display to warn you that changes will be lost. To avoid losing the changes, you can click the Process Your Planning Changes icon in the grid toolbar.
Modifications such as drilling up or down in a view, changing a sort, changing a filter, adding or deleting measure items or levels or attribute relationships, and drag and drop are changes that will refresh the grid. If you make such changes while there are unprocessed planning updates in the view, a warning message will display prior to the grid refresh. The message will tell you that updates will be lost and give you the opportunity to cancel your modifications.
Some view modifications such as changing the view name or performing a Save do not require the grid to be refreshed. If the modification will not refresh the grid, you will not lose unprocessed planning updates and therefore a warning message will not display about the modification.
Modifications initiated outside the view's grid interface that either replace or refresh the view window also will cause pending planning updates to be lost. Because the changes are made from outside the grid and view interface, you will not receive a warning message about the loss of your planning updates. The modification will be applied immediately. Examples of modifications that will replace or refresh the view window:
Navigating to another website from your current browser tab.
Closing the current browser tab.
Running another view from the Stratum View Pane
Using the following options from the top panel menu: Home, About Stratum, User Options, any Manage Things option, and any Analyst Tools option.
Signing out.