Properties in user roles and measure administration settings need to be set up for users to be able to make planning updates on measure items in views.
A user’s roles must give them authority to make planning updates on measures.
Measures need to have a Planning Allowed status, which is activated via measure maintenance settings.
Steps to complete both of these requirements follow. See also Set up Planning Enabled Views.
1. Click Manage Things then Role from the main menu in the top panel of Stratum.
2. Double-click the user’s role in the Role window.
3. In the Role Maintenance window, use the Update checkboxes on the Measures tab to give users of the role update authoity to measures.
The Update option only appears for measures where the Category (measure group) has been Update Enabled in Stratum.Connector.
You can give Read access to a measure or Category without giving Update authority. But, you cannot give Update authority without Read access. When an Update checkbox is selected, the application automatically selects the corresponding Read checkbox.
Update checkboxes will be disabled for measures if any dimensions related to the measures have their attributes access set to None on the Attributes tab.
4. Save the
1. Click Manage Things then Measure from the main menu in the top panel of Stratum.
2. In
the Measure list window, select the checkboxes for all measures that you
want to allow planning updates to be made to in views. Then, click Edit
3. The Measure Maintenance window opens for the selected measures. Click their Planning Allowed checkboxes. As a shortcut to selecting all, select the main Planning Allowed checkbox in the heading above the individual checkboxes.
Measures that are “Planning Allowed” can be edited in planning views by users with roles that give users planning update authority to such measures. See the previous set of steps about roles.
Planning Allowed checkboxes will be greyed out and unavailable if a measure isn’t Planning Enabled. A Planning Enabled measure is one that belongs to a Category (measure group) that has been Update Enabled in Stratum.Connector.
4. Save the
changes to the measures.