A View Prompt window displays when you run a view that has parameters:
1. Select a parameter for a parameter group.
2. Choose a value(s) using the provided drop-down list or filter icon and determine if the filter mode for the parameter will be Include or Exclude.
“Include” means the applied parameter filter returns only the members specified by your filter selections/criteria. “Exclude” means the applied parameter filter returns all members except the ones specified by your filter selections/criteria.
There will be a drop-down list for Drop Down parameters. Select a member.
There will be a filter icon for other parameter types:
Select Members - icon opens the Select or Advanced Select Members window. Search for and select one or more members then click OK.
List - icon opens the Select
User List Filter window. Use
the search or filter tools as aids
in finding a list. Optionally click Show Details
after selecting
a list to see more information about it before applying it as a filter.
Click OK.
Expression - icon opens the Expression window. Set up an expression and click OK.
3. The selected value(s) will display in the parameter field.
4. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for any additional parameters groups that display in the window.
5. If there is a Presentation section in the View Prompt window, select the type of format to run view results in -- either Viewer or Excel.
6. Click OK.
1. If default values already display in a parameter's field, you can run the view with the defaults by selecting that parameter for its group and clicking OK. Once you make selections for a parameter, the filter selections you made will display in the parameter’s field the next time you reopen the window. Running the view again, such as from the Stratum View Pane, resets the window to its default values.