Import Master Data For User Controlled Attributes

1.   Click Analyst Tools then Master Data Import from the main menu in the top panel of Stratum.

2.   In the Master Data Import list window, click New .

3.   When prompted, choose the Excel file to import. Then click Open.

4.   Use the Import Configuration window to select the Target dimension for the import and make other selections that tell Master Data Import about data in the file. The Target dimension has the User Controlled Attributes where imported data is meant to be added, and the selection impacts the attributes available during Step 5.

Note: Once you have done a few imports, Master Data Import learns about your import data habits and can do some automatic configuration and Data Mapping. When that happens, the Import Configuration window is bypassed. You can open it anytime by clicking the Configuration button in the Data Mapping window.

5.   Use the Data Mapping window to finish telling Stratum what dimensions and attribute data are in the import file. Drop-down lists are provided at the top of the data preview. Use them to make mapping selections.

6.   Click the Validate button to check that import data is in the proper format and contains the needed details to proceed.

7.   Master Data Imports are meant to be processed after you are done mapping their data to Stratum. Click the Submit The Master Data Import For Processing  icon. When prompted, confirm that you want to proceed with the process.