Filters Window

There are three tabs in this window, used to filter any part of your view. Click to see descriptions of each tab.

Levels Tab

Levels can be filtered by their values and attributes. The first tab of the Filters window is for adding or editing those types of filters. Filter options are provided for level values and their individual attribute relationships in a view.

This tab is organized into sections for each level in a view except for hidden levels (those with Visible property set to No). The heading for each section includes the level caption and a summary of what filters exist.

  • Filtered by – This text displays if a level value or attribute relationship filter exists. The name of the filtered level and attributes appear after the text “Filtered by” in the section heading.

  • Not filtered – This text will display in a section heading for levels where the level does not have an active filter applied. For example, when a filter exists for a level, but the level isn’t drilled to yet in the view at the time the Filters window was opened.

Under each summary heading are the names of the level and attribute relationships displayed in the view for the level with their individual options to add, change, or remove their specific filters. More details follow about those features in this table’s sections 2 and 3.

Sections for each level that shows in this tab include level value and attributes info. The value of the level displays as the first item under the level’s section heading in the window. The level name will be followed by details about any filtering applied to the level’s value.  

  • Member Filter – Member values in the filter will be listed after the level name. Ship-To Region and ABC Classification in the previous image have member filters applied to them.

  • User List Filter – The text “Filtered with User List:” will display followed by the name of the user list. The Product level in the previous image has a user list filtered applied to it.

  • Named Set Filter – The text “Filtered with Named Set:” will display followed by the name of the named set.

  • Expression Filter – The text “Filtered with Expression:” will display followed by the expression.

  • Dash marks – They display next to levels that do not have a member, user list, named set, or expression filter applied to them. This text also displays for cases where a level is filtered but not yet drilled to in the view at the time the Filters window was accessed.

If a level’s value filter information has a series of dots “…” at the end of it, click the dots to activate a cursor. This enables you to scroll right and see the rest of the filter details for the level. In this example, the dots for a filtered Ship-To Market level were clicked.

A cursor displays so you can scroll right and see the names of the rest of the members in the Ship-To Market member filter.

Each level has icons available for adding, changing, or clearing filters for the respective level plus a drop-down list for determining if the level value filter will be applied in the Include or Exclude mode.

  • Filter Mode – This drop-down list controls how Viewer applies the value filter (a member, user list, expression, or named set filter) on a level. Choosing “Include” means the applied filter will return only the members specified by your filter selections/criteria. “Exclude” means the applied filter will return all members except the ones specified by your filter selections/criteria. The mode choice is applicable to the level filter only. Attribute relationship filters are always applied as “Include”.

  • Change Filter  – Click this icon to add or change filter selections or criteria. When you are setting up a new level filter, the Select Members window will display. If you want to set up a different type of filter than a member filter, click the More button then choose Change Filter Type and select the filter type from the Select Filter Method window that displays. If you click the icon to change a filter, the window for the type of filter applied to the level will display. For example, if the level has a user list filter applied to it, the Select User List Filter window will display.

  • Clear Filter – Click this icon to remove a filter for a level.

The attribute relationships in a view, except hidden ones (those with Visible property set to No), will display within the section for their level in the Levels tab of the Filters window. They display after the level value filter info. Each attribute’s name will be followed by details about any filtering applied to that attribute.

The filter operator followed by its value will display. Possible filter types are:

  • Contains

  • Does not contain

  • Starts with

  • Does not start with  

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Greater than

  • Greater than or equal to

  • Less than

  • Less than or equal to

Dash marks “--" display next to attribute relationships that do not have a filter applied to them. This text also displays for cases where an attribute relationship is filtered but its level is not yet drilled to in the view at the time the Filters window was accessed.

If an attribute relationship’s filter information has a series of dots “…” at the end of it, click the dots to activate a cursor. This enables you to scroll right and see the rest of the filter details.

Each attribute relationship has icons available for adding, changing, or clearing filters for the respective attribute.

  • Change Filter – Click this icon to add or change a filter. The Attribute Relationship Filter window display.

  • Clear Filter – Click this icon to remove a filter for an attribute.

OK – Click OK to apply all the changes that you made in the Filters window. Changes made on any tabs will be applied to the view.

Cancel – Click Cancel to close the window without applying your changes.

Data Tab

Each measure item included in the view will display in the Data tab of the Filters window. The measure item name will be followed by details about any filtering applied to the measure item.

  • Top Count, Top Percent, Top Sum

  • Bottom Count, Bottom Percent, Bottom Sum

  • Recursive Top/Bottom Count, Percent, Sum

  • Overall Top / Bottom Count, Percent, Sum

  • Dash marks display next to measure items that do not have a filter applied to them.

Each measure item has icons available for adding, changing, or clearing filters for the respective measure item.

  • Change Filter   Click this icon to add or change a filter. The Measure Item Filter window will display.

  • Clear Filter   Click this icon to remove a filter.

OK – Click OK to apply all the changes that you made in the Filters window. Changes made on any tabs will be applied to the view.

Cancel – Click Cancel to close the window without applying your changes.

Axis Tab

Set up filters on the rows or columns axis using the Axis tab.

Use axis filters when you need to set up filters involving multiple measure items or both measure items and attribute relationships. For example, use an axis filter to return all rows that fit the criteria of two different measure items -- such as all rows where Sales Units are greater than 1,000 and Profit Margin is less than 20%.

  • Filtered with Expression – If a filter exists, the filter expression displays next to the Rows and Columns section of this tab.

  • Dash marks – They display if an axis does not have a filter applied to it

If axis filter information has a series of dots “…” at the end of it, click the dots to activate a cursor. This enables you to scroll right and see the rest of the filter details for the axis.

Each axis has icons available for adding, changing, or clearing filters for the respective axis.

  • Change Filter   Click this icon to add or change a filter. The Expression window will display.

  • Clear Filter   Click this icon to remove a filter for an axis.

OK – Click OK to apply all the changes that you made in the Filters window. Changes made on any tabs will be applied to the view.

Cancel – Click Cancel to close the window without applying your changes.

 - Example expressions are available to review or even copy and paste into your expression definition.