Select Conditional Format Window

Main Window Sections

Selected Conditional Format – If a conditional format has been selected, the name of it displays here.

Available Conditional Formats – Click a conditional format then OK to apply it to a measure item.

  • This is a list of all formats that meet search and filter criteria. You can search to find formats with a particular name or use the filter tool to look up formats of only certain users (See Search and Filter Features). You can use the Show Details section to look up format properties and rules.

  • To sort the displayed formats, click the Name, Type, Owner, or Last Used column heading. Click a sort icon to change between ascending and descending order. To rearrange columns in the section, click a column heading, drag it before or after another column heading, and drop it at the new location.

  • At the bottom of this section (you may need to scroll down), this is a count of how many formats are displayed in the window. There are paging arrows to move between pages of formats. Arrows are active only when more formats exist than can be displayed in a single page of this section.

Custom – Click Custom if you need to switch to the Custom Conditional Format window, which is used to define a custom conditional format for the selected measure item. Custom conditional formats are for one time use. They cannot be reused. Pre-defined formats that show in the Select Conditional Format window can be reused across different views.

OK – Click OK to apply the conditional format selection made in this window and to close the window.

Cancel – Click Cancel to close the window without applying your selection.

Search and Filter Features

Optionally use the search and/or filter features (section marked ‘4’ in following image) to look for particular conditional formats.

Note: The filter toggle will be red if a filter has been applied. If you are using the filter section and then access the details section of the window, the filter section will close automatically.

Show Details Feature

Optionally use this section to view details about the format that is actively selected in the window. Select a format and then click the Show Details button. Click the Hide Details button to hide the section. You can see the description of the format and the Icon, Format, Operator, and Value of each rule in the format definition.

Note: If you are using the details section and then access the filter section of the window, the details section will close automatically.