Toolbar Icons –
General Properties – Use this section to specify the name and description for the conditional format. The Type property is used to make a conditional format personal or global. View and security administrators can create / maintain global conditional formats. Advanced users, view administrators, and security administrators can create / maintain personal conditional formats. Global conditional formats may be used with any type of view – global, personal, or shared views. Personal conditional formats also can be used with global, personal, or shared views. |
Pre-fill Icons – Takes you to the Select Icon Set window where you can select an icon set to pre-fill the rules and icons for the conditional format.
Icon – This is the icon that will display in the measure item’s cell based on satisfying the associated rule. Click on the Icon button to open the Select Icon window. The Percent of Total Growth conditional format in this example has 3 rules. 1. Display a green up arrow when the measure item value is >= .0001. 2. Display a yellow horizontal arrow when the measure item value is between .00001 and 0. 3. Display a red down arrow with yellow cell coloring for all other values. Format – This is the cell and text formatting that will be applied to the measure item cell based on satisfying the associated rule. Click on the Format button to access the Select Format window. The Percent of Total Growth conditional format in this example includes yellow background coloring for the “for all other values” rule. |
Operator and Value – Select an operator from the drop down list and enter a value for the rule. Available operators are =, < >, <, <=. >, >=. The value must be numeric.
Options – You can add or remove rules within the conditional format.
Attributes – This section shows the attributes of the conditional format, including when it was last updated and last used. When you create, update, or use a conditional format, this information is automatically updated by Stratum.Viewer. The Owner property in the Attributes section can be used by administrators to change the owner of a conditional format. Administrators can click the Browse button![]() |