Tips For Setting Up Your Master Data Import

The first step in prepping for a master data import is to collect your data into an Excel file. Familiarize yourself with the following tips and revisit this topic for guidance while setting up import files for Data Imports.

Save File As “Excel Workbook”

Save your file as an Excel Workbook file type and to a location that you can access while signed onto Stratum.Viewer. Avoid using the Strict Open XML Spreadsheet file type.

Include Dimension Key Values and Master Data Values

Your import file must include dimension key values and master data values.

Note: If your import contains columns of descriptive info about the dimension that you don’t plan to use for the import (such as some of its Corporate Controlled Attributes), you can tell Master Data Import to ignore the columns.

Use Descriptive Info In Header Row(s) To Help Map To Stratum Data

Identifying information about the data contained in each column of your file can be included in the header row(s) of your import file. They help identity what is in each column – saving you time as you map columns or mark them to be ignored while setting up your import. The example shown in the next image uses one header row. You can use more than one header row if needed. All header rows must be located at the top of your file, above the rows of import data.

Keep Data On Single Worksheet

The data for your import needs to be in the first worksheet of your import file. Only the first worksheet is considered by Master Data Import and all others are ignored.

Avoid Null Rows (They’re Treated As The End of an Import)

Make sure you don’t have a null row interspersed with rows of data in your import file. A Null row is a row without any data (note that a cell with all blank spaces or with zeroes in it is not considered null). The first null row that Master Data Import encounters in an import file will be treated as the end of your file. Master Data Import stops looking for data to import once it finds a null row. In this example, you’d want to remove row 14. If you don’t, the import will stop at that row and not consider any of the rows of data after that point.

Exclude Unnecessary Extras

Certain types of information should be excluded either because they don’t make sense for an import, aren’t necessary for an import, could disrupt the upload process*, or could throw off the integrity of the import such as bring in unwanted data.