Process User Controlled Attribute Pending Additions/Changes (Uses Stratum.Connector)

Adding or changing a User Controlled Attribute is done in Stratum.Viewer. Those additions and changes won’t be reflected in Stratum.Viewer until a Full process has been done by Stratum.Connector. A Full process can be scheduled to occur on a regular basis, done in batch, or kicked off manually in Stratum.Connector. Emails configured in Stratum.Connector notify your administrator when Viewer users add or change a User Controlled Attribute. The emails tell the recipients that there are pending changes to process. The timing of when a Full process happens should be done when it won’t impact the use of Viewer. Users will not have access to views or most administrator features in Viewer during a Full Process.

See the Connector help for details about parameters and processes managed in that application.

Note: See also Master Data Import Initial Setup Checklist.