What Happened to a Hierarchy that Used to be in my View?

Hierarchies can be removed when:

Example Time Range Property Changes

All time hierarchies will be removed from a view if you change the Time Range property from No to Yes. Changing the property to Yes lets you use measure items with time ranges in the view. In that case, time hierarchies are irrelevant and will be removed from the view.

Here is a view that has a Time Range property of No and a time hierarchy on columns.

Here is the view after the Time Range property was changed to Yes, and here is the related prompt that displayed to confirm the change. Time hierarchies were removed, as were all measure items (they did not have time ranges). Measure items with time ranges can be added to the view after this change to the Time Range property.

Example Hierarchy Removed From User Controlled Attribute

The following view contains a level on columns which belongs to a hierarchy that was created from a User Controlled Attribute. It is the first level on columns, named UPC User Controlled Shipping Status.

Here is the UPC Shipping Status User Controlled Attribute on which the hierarchy and level are based. The Create Hierarchy property was set to yes and names were defined for the hierarchy and level to create them.

Later, the Create Hierarchy property is changed from Yes to No, which removes the hierarchy from the attribute. The hierarchy and its level will be removed and no longer available in Viewer after the next Full process of the related database in Stratum.Connector.

Here is the view reflecting the change after it has been processed. The UPC User Controlled Shipping Status level that showed on columns in our example view does not show on columns anymore and is no longer available to add to any other views. The Product Brand level that used to be the second available level on columns in this example is now displaying as the first and only level.