Display Options Window for Select and Advanced Select Members Windows

Display Columns - Select or deselect columns to control the information that displays on the Select Members and Advanced Select Members windows. Up to 10 columns of information can be displayed. The columns that display by default depend on where you accessed the window from within Stratum.Viewer. If accessed from views, the default columns are what's displayed in the grid. Up to the first 10 attribute relationships used in the view will be used as display columns. If accessed from windows such as User List Maintenance, the default columns are determined by administrator settings in the Dimension window. Up to the first 10 attribute relationships selected in administrator settings will be used as display columns.

OK - Clicking OK applies the changes for the current session only in the Select and Advanced Select Members windows. When you toggle back and forth between the two windows, the changes will be reflected in both windows. Once you exit the windows, display options return to their defaults.