Properties Window for View

Name and Description - Specify the name for the view, and optionally specify a description.

Type – Choose from Global, Shared, or Personal to control the view type. The Global option is only available for view or security administrators.

Owner – This property is available to view and security administrators. They can use it to select a different owner for the view. See also Change the Owner of a View.

Planning – If you intend to set up this view as a planning view for users, the Planning property must be set to Yes. Once all other requirements for planning are met in the view, planning icons will display next to measure items that are update enabled for the users.

Export Type – This property determines the format of Excel exports for the active view. The Excel Report format will export all data and charts in the view, using the formatting that you normally see in the view. The Excel Data option will export the view data only without any special formatting applied to it.

View Details – This property determines if the View Details tab or section will appear in exported and emailed views. View Details show as a tab in exported files and a section in emailed views. Details are included by default and show things like counts for rows and columns, filtering details, and the view name. Choose the Exclude From Exports option if you don’t want the view details included in the exported and emailed outputs for this view.

View Group - Select one or more view groups in which the view will appear. You can use Ctrl+Click and Shift+Click when selecting more than one group. Administrators can choose from any groups that exist in Stratum.Viewer. Users with a casual or advanced access level can choose from groups enabled for their user profile group.

See also Why can't I see a View I just Added?.

View Id - Displays the unique Id associated with the view.

Last Used and Other View Properties - These are read- only fields that display information about the view including when it was last used and updated, who last used or last updated it, and when it was created.

Server, Database, and Cube - These are read only fields that display information about the cube associated with the view.