Dimension Window

This window is organized by dimension, hierarchy, and level. Dimensions are listed alphabetically, including the single Time dimension that contains all time hierarchies. To the right of each dimension are its hierarchies and levels.

  • Use the white arrow  next to an object to expand it and see more information. For example, click a dimension to see its hierarchies or click a level to see its display columns and Search By settings.

  • Use the black arrow  next to an object to collapse it.

Displayed to the right of each hierarchy are the Enabled and Select Members settings. Displayed to the right of each level are the Display Columns and Search By settings. These three settings are described in the remainder of this table.

Enabled Setting for Dimensions - This controls if dimensions and their levels are available to use in views. Each dimension can be set to Yes or No.

  • Yes means the dimension and its level(s) will be available to add to views. The dimensions will be available when using the Add Hierarchies window and the Edit window for rows, columns, and view filters.

  • No means the dimension and its level(s) won’t be available to add to views. The dimensions won’t be available when using the Add Hierarchies window and the Edit window for rows, columns, and view filters.

Note: Changing a status from Yes to No in cases where a dimension is used in views already does not impact those views. The dimension will still show up in the views that already had the dimension in it, but the dimension won’t be available to add to other views.

Select Members Settings for Dimensions, Hierarchies, and Levels - The Select Members drop-down lists next to hierarchies control which select members window will display when users set up member list filters for levels that belong to the hierarchy.

  • Basic - The Select Members window will display by default. Users can click Advanced in that window to toggle over to the Advanced Select Members window.

  • Advanced - The Advanced Select Members window will display by default. Users can click Select in that window to toggle over to the Select Members window.

  • Advanced Only - Only the Advanced Select Members window will be available for member list filter purposes.

  • Custom - A window customized to your company’s needs will display for member list filter purposes. Custom searches help users find members from large dimensions by allowing searches based on multiple attributes and/or other unique criteria. Contact your Silvon Sales Representative to see an example and for details about how Silvon can create and implement a customized master file search.

Levels and their Default Display Columns and Search By Properties - Expand a level to see display column and Search By properties. Display Columns selections influence displays columns that show when the Select Members, Advanced Select Members, Paste Members, and Select User List Filter windows are accessed from anywhere other than a view (for example, when the Select Members window is accessed from the User List Maintenance window). The Search By selection controls what searches default to in the Select and Advanced Select Members windows no matter where the windows are accessed from – be it from views, the User List Maintenance window, the Role Maintenance window, and so forth.

  • Display Columns – The columns you select will display by default when selection windows are accessed from outside a view. Display columns are the level value and attribute relationships, such as short or long description.

Note: When selection windows are accessed from within views, the display columns default to the values and/or attribute relationships showing in the grid. In the case of views with parameters where the windows are accessed from the View Prompt window, display column settings will be influenced by the parameter’s Display Text property.

  • Search By – This property can be set to either a specific attribute or System Defined.

  • System Defined: If you want the Search By in the Select and Advanced Select Members windows to adjust dynamically based on the view definition, then select System Defined from the Search By drop-down list. Searches will default to the Display Text for the level in a view when the Select and Advanced Select Members windows are accessed from a view. When the windows are accessed from outside of a view and System Defined is selected, searches will default to the first item (value or attribute relationship) selected for the Display Column property (the property described above).

  • Attribute: If you want searches for the level to always default to a specific attribute, then select that attribute from the Search By drop-down list. Setting the Search By property to a specific attribute overrides all Display Text settings for the level.