View Items – The hierarchies, attribute relationships, and measure items associated with the view can be included in the hyperlink expression. Use the view items and functions to define your hyperlink expression by clicking on or dragging and dropping the item into the Expression area. You can also key static text directly into the Expression portion of the window. Functions - A Functions folder provides you with numeric, member, date, tuple, and Stratum.Viewer-specific functions that can be used for building the hyperlink expression. |
Expression – The evaluated expression will be an active hyperlink when the measure item is clicked on. The hyperlink can direct users to other applications, websites or views. Examples follow and are also shown in Use Hyperlinks in a View: Access a website from a hyperlink. For example: "http://www.mapquest.com" would take the user to the Mapquest home page. Access a website using attribute relationships as parameters. For example: 1. "http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?&city=" + [Customer Sold-To].[Customer Sold-To].CurrentMember.Properties("SldTo City") + "&state=" + [Customer Sold-To].[Customer Sold-To].CurrentMember.Properties("SldTo Province State") + "&zipcode=" + [Customer Sold-To].[Customer Sold-To].CurrentMember.Properties("SldTo Postal Code") + "&country=US&cid=lfmaplink" 2. Iif([Customer SoldTo].[Customer SoldTo].Properties("SldTo Long Description")=null, null, "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=" + [Customer SoldTo].Properties("SldTo Long Description")) Access another Stratum.Viewer view from a hyperlink. For example: http://silvonxyz:55003/ViewWindow.aspx?ViewId=139 Access another StratumViewer view from a hyperlink that passes current member information as a parameter to the view when it runs. For example: "http://silvonxyz:55003/ViewWindow.aspx?ViewId=139&vp:Rep=" +[Salesperson].[Salesperson].CurrentMember.name+ "" See Passing Parameters into Views via URL's for information about the syntax of hyperlinks that are used to access views. Note: See also Cell Formatting with Conditional Formats, Hyperlinks, Drilldown Views, and Pop-up Labels. |
OK – Click to validate your hyperlink expression and close the window. Validate – Click at any point while you are building the expression. Stratum.Viewer will verify whether or not the format of your expression is valid. Blank is not a valid expression. Cancel – Click to close the window without making any changes. Help – Click to open help about this window. |