View Group Window

General Tab

Toolbar -

  • New - Click to clear the window and set up a new group.

  • Save - Click to save a new group or to save edits to an existing group.

  • Delete - Select a group from the View Group drop-down list, then click Delete to delete the group.

  • Help - Click to open help that is specific to working with view groups.

General Tab Properties -

  • General - Use this section to specify the name and description. The description is optional.

  • Picture - Optionally use this section to add an image to the group or remove an image. Use the Browse button to search for and select an image. Images display next to the group name in the left panel.

  • Startup Status - Groups display collapsed by default unless you select the View Group Expanded option.

Views Tab

Views - Use this list to add views to the group or remove views. The icon next to the view name indicates whether the view is global , shared , or personal . The name of the person owns the view displays after the view name. Views are listed in alphabetical order.

Note: The tab will be blank if no views exist.

User Links Tab

User Links - Use this list to add user links to the group or remove links. The icon next to the link name indicates whether the link is global or personal , and the name of the person who last saved the link displays after the link name.

Note: The tab will be blank if no links exist.