User Options Window

Toolbar -

  • Save  – Click to save edits to your user options.

  • Help  – Click to open help that is specific to working with user options.

Auto Hide Left Panel – when selected, the left panel will hide automatically after you run a view from it. If you prefer that the left panel remain visible, leave this option deselected.

Show View Explorer – when selected, view explorer will display automatically when you run a view. Otherwise, it will not display automatically, but you can manually open it from a view toolbar.

Note: The Show View Explorer setting is not available to casual users.

Override Planning Update Format – when selected, you can customize the format for planning updates that you make in your views. The Browse button  will be enabled. Click it to open the Select Format window and determine background color, font color, and other font properties for cells and values impacted by planning updates that you make in views.

Override View Page Size – when selected, you can control how many rows and columns display per page for views that use paging. Enter a numeric value in the Rows and Columns fields.