Using a View Filter vs. a Level Filter

Use a view filter when you want the filter to be in effect no matter what other levels are visible in the view. The view filter will filter the entire view regardless of the levels that have been drilled to in the view. Use a level filter when you want to filter a particular level and any levels under that level in the view drill down path. Filters on individual levels are only active when you have drilled to that level in the view.

This view has a view filter that consists of member A from the ABC Classification Code level.

Wherever you drill to in the view, you will see data relevant to member A. Here is the same view after drilling up from Product Brand to RepBroker. Notice the grand totals are the same as they were in the prior state of the view.

Here is the same view with the ABC Classification Code level positioned on rows, still filtered for member A. The level is visible, so the filter is in effect.

When you drill up in the view, the ABC Classification Code level is hidden; therefore, the ABC Classification Code filter is no longer active. Notice the grand totals are higher than what they were in the prior state of the view. That is because all measure items values for the RepBrokers are being returned versus just the values for items with an ABC Classification Code of A.