Select Icon Window

Icon Sets – An icon set is a group of related icons. Once an icon set is selected, all icons included in that set display on the right side of the window and are available for selection.

A predefined icon set directory, subfolders and icons are included with your Stratum.Viewer installation to support the conditional formatting functionality. If additional icons are required, they can be added. All custom icons must reside in a subfolder of the Images / Icons folder of the Stratum.Viewer application. Valid file types are *.png, *.jpg, *.gif, *.tif, *.tiff, and *.bmp.

Icons – All available icons in the selected icon set display here with the icon selected for the active rule highlighted. Click an icon to select it for a conditional format rule.

OK – Click to save any edits made on this window and close the window.

Cancel – Click to close the window without making any changes.

Clear Icon – Click to clear the icon selected for the active rule with confirmation.