Accessing Conditional Format Functionality

To work with conditional formats directly from a view, use the Conditional Format option on a measure item’s context menu. Right-click a measure item caption and choose Conditional Format. You also can access conditional format functionality from measure item Properties windows. To see a list of all conditional formats, advanced users and administrators can click the Conditional Format option under the Admin Utilities in the left panel.

Measure Item Context Menu

Edit – Use to edit the conditional format associated with the selected measure item. The Select Conditional Format window will display.

Clear / Clear All – Click Clear to clear the conditional format associated with the selected measure item. Click Clear All to clear all conditional formats from the view.

Note: The conditional formats will not be deleted. They will only be cleared from the measure item definition(s) in this view.

Measure Item Properties Window

Conditional Format – Controls the display of icons, and cell and text formatting for the measure item by applying the conditional format rules. If Yes, the browse button  accesses the Select Conditional Format window where you select the conditional format associated with the measure item. The name of the selected conditional format displays in the text box left of the  icon. In this example, the Percent of Total Growth conditional format is used.