1. Right-click the view name in the grid or in view explorer and select Properties.
2. Change the desired basic property using the applicable section of the Properties window -- name, description, type, view group, and so forth. Note:
Select Global for Type to create a view that's accessible by you and other users (this option is only available to administrators). Select Personal if you want the view limited to your use and administrator use. Select Shared if you want the view to be accessible to all users who have access to the view group to which the view belongs.
Select Yes for Planning if you are editing the view to make it planning enabled for users.
You can select one or more view groups for the view using Ctrl+Click and Shift+Click.
Note: Only administrators can create Global views. Administrators can choose from any view groups that exist in Stratum.Viewer. Users with a casual or advanced access level can choose from groups enabled for their user profile. See also Why can't I see a View I just Added?.