Drill Up or Down Within a View

Steps for drilling through the pre-defined drill down path in a view:

Drill on Detail

1.   Click on a detail cell to drill to the next defined level by a particular member.


The resulting view displays all Products within the “Wilder Foods – St Louis MO WOB” Customer Ship-To because Product was the next defined level within the view.



1.   Drill down using the view explorer drag and drop functionality.

In the example below, Product Family was clicked and dragged onto Wilder Foods – St Louis MO WOB. The detail for the Product Family within the drilled on Customer Ship-To is shown.


Drill on Header

1.   Click on a header cell of the level to drill to the next defined level and see all its members.


The resulting view displays data from the next level, in this case “Product.” You can see Products subtotaled by Customer Ship-To’s.



1.   Drill down using the view explorer drag and drop functionality.

In the example below, Product Family was clicked and dragged onto the Customer Ship to header cell. The drill down was performed for each member of the Customer Ship to level.


Drill Within a Chart

You can drill-down within a chart just like you can within a view grid. If a drill-down is available, a pop-up label informs you of the drill to level.


When you drill-down within a chart, the drill down is also performed on the view grid. The following image shows the results in the chart and grid from the drill-down on the “Wilder Foods – St. Louis MO WOJ” Customer Ship-To.
